MacWorld 1999 November
Macworld (1999-11).dmg
WhiteCap 3.0.4
WhiteCap Source.sit
WhiteCap Source
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C/C++ Source or Header
106 lines
#pragma once
#include "WhiteCapWorld.h"
#include "PixPort.h"
#include "FileSpecList.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "XLongList.h"
#if EG_MAC
#include <Files.h>
#define cWhiteCapID 'WCap'
#define cPluginAuthor 'Av55'
class WhiteCap {
// Once you make a new WhiteCap, don't do anything else until you call SetPort() or SetWinRect()
WhiteCap( CEgFileSpec& inPluginsFolder, void* inRefCon = NULL );
// Calling this assumes that the GrafPort WhiteCap has is a window. This call simply is a
// MacOS/Win32 util to get a rect for the OS window size
void GetWinRect( Rect& outRect );
// Tell's WhiteCap, "work inside this grafPort and keep your slimy butt inside inRect"
// inAtFullsceen is needed because WC responds to input differently if it's fullscreen mode vs. no.
void SetPort( GrafPtr inPort, const Rect& inRect, bool inAtFullsceen );
// Use this call (instead of SetPort()) when WhiteCap's
// is in control of its own window (ie, in MacAMP and Winamp)--this call will make a call to
// SetPort(). In other words, this call is like SetPort() but it also
// correctly positions WhiteCap's window for you, changing inRect from global cords to local cords
// If inRect is invalid or NULL, the prefs are used
void SetWinPort( GrafPtr inPort, const Rect* inRect = NULL );
void RecordSample( long inTime, float inSpectrum[] );
void Draw();
void SetFullScreen( bool inFullScreen );
inline bool IsFullScreen() { return mAtFullScreen; }
void RefreshRect( const Rect& inUpdate );
void SelectConfig();
void ToggleFrameCounter() { mFrameCount = (mFrameCount >= 0) ? -1 : 0; }
bool PtInTitle( Point inPt );
bool mDoingSetPortWin; // true when a thread is currently inside SetPortWin()
Rect mWinRectHolder; // Win rect holder while we're n FS mode
Rect mDispRect; // Local cords rect within mOSPort we can draw in
bool mMouseWillAwaken; // true if moving the mouse will exit fullscreen mode
GrafPtr mOSPort;
FileSpecList mConfigs;
int mCurConfigNum;
XLongList mConfigPlayList;
PixPort mPort;
long mNextShapeChange;
bool mInSlideShowMode;
Prefs mPrefs;
// Plugin prefs
long mSlideShowInterval;
long mScrnSaverDelay;
long mTransitionLo;
long mTransitionHi;
// For dumping raw spectrum data
UtilStr mDumpData;
#define MAX_WORLDS 10
long mNumWorlds;
WhiteCapWorld* mWorld[ MAX_WORLDS ];
// Stuff dealing with full screen mode
bool mAtFullScreen;
Point mLastMousePt;
long mLastActiveTime;
long mFullscreenStartTime;
// Frame rate/calc members. mFrameCount >= 0 if frame counting/displaying is on
UtilStr mFrameRate;
long mFramesPer10Secs;
long mFrameCountStart;
long mFrameCount;
void BuildConfigList( CEgFileSpec& inPluginsFolder );
void LoadConfig( int inConfigNum );
// Chops up mDispRect into smaller rects, making a rect for each config to be shown.
void ResizeWorlds();
void * mRefCon;